Port Checker

Check if a port is open or closed on a server.

About Port Checker

What is the Port Checker Tool?

The Port Checker Tool allows you to check if a specific port on a server or device is open or closed. This tool is essential for network troubleshooting, security testing, and ensuring proper server configurations.

How It Works

  1. Enter the server's IP address or domain name.
  2. Enter the port number you want to check.
  3. Click the "Check" button to see if the port is open or closed.

Key Features

  1. Check Any Port: Test if specific ports are accessible.
  2. Server Configuration: Ensure that the required ports are open for your application.
  3. Network Security: Verify that unnecessary or vulnerable ports are closed.

Common Ports and Their Uses

Port Protocol Description
20 FTP File Transfer Protocol (Data Transfer).
21 FTP File Transfer Protocol (Command Control).
22 SSH Secure Shell, used for secure remote login.
23 Telnet Unencrypted text communication.
25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, used for sending emails.
53 DNS Domain Name System, used for resolving domain names to IP addresses.
67 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Server).
68 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Client).
80 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for standard web traffic.
110 POP3 Post Office Protocol v3, used for email retrieval.
123 NTP Network Time Protocol, used for time synchronization.
137 NetBIOS Name Service.
138 NetBIOS Datagram Service.
139 NetBIOS Session Service.
143 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol, used for email retrieval.
161 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
194 IRC Internet Relay Chat.
443 HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for encrypted web traffic.
445 SMB Server Message Block, used for file sharing.
465 SMTPS Secure SMTP, used for secure email transmission.
514 Syslog System Logging.
587 SMTP Submission Secure Email Sending.
631 IPP Internet Printing Protocol.
993 IMAPS Secure IMAP, used for encrypted email retrieval.
995 POP3S Secure POP3, used for encrypted email retrieval.
1080 SOCKS Proxy Proxy server protocol.
1433 Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server database service.
1434 Microsoft SQL Monitor Monitoring for SQL Server.
1521 Oracle Database Oracle database service.
1723 PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.
3306 MySQL MySQL database service.
3389 RDP Remote Desktop Protocol, used for remote desktop connections.
5432 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL database service.
5900 VNC Virtual Network Computing, used for remote desktop sharing.
6379 Redis In-memory data structure store.
8080 HTTP Proxy Alternative HTTP port, often used for proxy servers.

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