Introducing OneLinks

Introducing OneLinks

T.LY is proud to announce that it has added a new feature to better help the users! If you have a need to create one spot for all of your links we have just the thing for you. T.LY is proud to now be able to provide OneLink to its users. You can now create a customizable link to share with others to help you connect together all of your different content links into OneLink. It is a simple way of helping your audience to have easy access to all of your content locations. This tool is perfect for a profile bio! 

To get started, login and start customizing your OneLink! If you do not already have an account, no problem. Simply create an account and get started! T.LY is dedicated to making link sharing a breeze for all of its users. In the future, even more features and the ability to add your personal touch will be coming soon. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions for how we can better serve you! 

Author Tim Leland

Tim Leland

With over 15 years of experience, Tim Leland has been developing software that millions worldwide rely on. In 2019, he founded T.LY, aspiring to create the world's premier URL-shortening service. Recently, the platform has witnessed a remarkable increase in its popularity. Under Tim's expert direction, T.LY has transformed into one of the industry's most reliable and esteemed URL shorteners, serving millions of users globally.

Ready to improve how you manage links?

T.LY URL Shortener makes long links look cleaner and easier to share! Add your own Custom Domains to personalize your brand. Create Smart Links to customize a URL's destination. Generate QR codes to promote your business.

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About T.LY
T.LY is the best link management service to track, brand, and share short URLs. Install our free Browser Extension with over 450,000 users from the extension store to automatically shorten links in one easy click! We support Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera.