Leverage your
Uniswap V3
position or get a loan for it

YLDR Protocol allows anyone to boost LP returns, borrow digital assets against LP position or other assets, and supply liquidity to earn yield


Leverage Uniswap V3 returns and increase your exposure


Get instant loan for Uniswap V3 position or digital assets


Supply liquidity to earn delta-neutral returns

Leverage Your
Uniswap V3 Positions

Earn up to 5x in fees. Boost Uniswap V3 returns without losing ownership of your initial position.

Borrow for Uniswap V3
Position or Digital Assets

Put your Uniswap V3 Position at work.

Use your positions or digital assets as a collateral to borrow more assets, while still earning fees as a liquidity provider.

How it works


Leverage Uniswap V3 Position

Use your position as a collateral to borrow more liquidity from the market in a single transaction.

Boost your fees up to 5x

Get instant liquidity and earn up to 5x more trading fees.

Get your position back

Simply repay the debt and get initial Uniswap V3 position back to wallet.


Put Uniswap V3 Position at work

Previously, when user created liquidity provider position he couldn’t use those funds.

Get instant liquidity

Get a loan for Uniswap V3 Position or any digital asset to use new liquidity in any way you want.

Get your position or asset back

Simply repay the debt and get initial Uniswap V3 position or digital asset back to your wallet.



YLDR's smart contracts are audited by CertiK, a renowned blockchain security company.

Audited by CertiK


YLDR protocol is decentralized, and operations are performed by smart contracts.


YLDR protocol do not maintain control over user’s assets, they can be withdrawn at any time.