1 in 10 boys are watching porn every day

(Photo: Unsplash)

A new survey commissioned by the Daily Mail has painted an alarming picture of the sexual attitudes and behaviour of young boys and men in Britain today.

The poll of 1,010 boys and men aged 16 to 21, carried out by Survation, found that out of those who had seen internet porn, 11% were watching it every day. 

Forty per cent of those who said they had seen internet porn said they were watching it at least a few times a week. 

Of the boys who have had sex, nearly half (48%) said they had taken part in a sex act because they had seen it in porn.

A staggering 41% of boys who have had sex say they have taken part in sexual activity without even kissing their partner. 

Around half (48%) said they had had anal sex.

More than a third (35%) of those who have had sex say they have felt upset about a sexual activity they took part in. 

A third of those who said they had consensually received sexual photos had then shared them with other boys.

One 17-year-old sixth-former told the Daily Mail: "Sexting is just normal. We know there's a risk but that's how we flirt nowadays." 

He added, "Kissing is seen as too intimate. You hear other boys talking about meeting up just for sex with someone from school after chatting on social media.

"But because they have no emotional connection, they don't kiss, which is something more romantic. They just go straight to oral and then vaginal sex."