We are excited to announce you can now shorten links using the domain. is great for sharing links to images or albums. Photographers will really be able to take advantage of the JPEG domain for sharing branded links. Branded links can increase brand awareness and trust and ultimately increase brand engagement on your shared links. Did you know you can add your own custom domain to T.LY? Have a domain that would be great for your own branded link shortener? Sign up and start shortening links today!
Tips for Sharing Links to Photographs
As a photographer, social media is a great way to share your work with the world. However, posting photos can be tricky- you want people to be able to see your work, but you also don’t want to make it too easy for them to download and use your photos without permission. When sharing photos online, there are a few things you can do to protect your work:
- Watermark your photos. This will help discourage people from trying to steal your work, as they will know that it is copyrighted.
- Use a service like Flickr or SmugMug that allows you to share low-resolution versions of your photos. This way, people can see your work but won’t be able to download and use it without your permission.
- Disable right-clicking on your website. This will prevent people from being able to easily download your photos.
- If you are selling prints or digital copies of your images, use a service that provides security features like encryption and password protection. This will help ensure that only the people who have purchased your work will be able to access it.
Following these tips can help protect your work while still allowing people to enjoy and appreciate your photography.
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Tim Leland
Ready to improve how you manage links?
T.LY URL Shortener makes long links look cleaner and easier to share! Add your own Custom Domains to personalize your brand. Create Smart Links to customize a URL's destination. Generate QR codes to promote your business.
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