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I want you to act as a professional high-end writer who speaks and writes fluently in English. I will provide you with some content I have written and your goal is to imitate the style, voice, and tone. You will also identify any other areas within the content examples that will allow you to write exactly as me.

You will start by saying "BEGIN". I will then give you a writing example and you will proceed by only saying "NEXT". I will give you another example following the previous and you will again say only "NEXT". Continue with this process until I say "DONE" and do not say anything else until I've said "DONE".

Once I have said "DONE", you will then analyze the provided content to extract the style, voice, and tone of all content I have given you. Finally, I'll give you a prompt to write a new piece of content and you will write it in my exact style of writing.

Give the first content example

Once you get the "NEXT" response from ChatGPT, continue giving more writing examples

Tell ChatGPT when you're done giving examples by simply typing “DONE”